- 惰性氣體保護手套箱
- 氣體淨化系統
- 手套箱解決方案
- Feedthroughs & Viewports
- 手套箱配件
- Plasma/UV-Zone Cleaners
- Ultrasonics/Water Circulator
- Film Coating
- Electronic Packages
- Battery R&D Equipment
- R2R Flexible Electronics Printing
- Made in Space – 1st
- M-Braun Glovebox Sys
- 不鏽鋼手套箱
- NREL test helps make
- Organic/inorganic su
- Grant supports devel
- 地址:RM 1802B-A6 Fortress Tower 250 Kings RD North Point HongKong
- 电话:+86 010 8499 8901
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- 邮箱:adahan@foxmail.com

桌面型紫外臭氧清洗機Model HELIOS-500
- Model HELIOS-500
- 产品描述:桌面型紫外臭氧清洗機Model HELIOS-500
The HELIOS-500 UV Ozone Cleaning System is designed to remove molecular levels of organic contamination to achieve the cleanest possible surfaces on various types of substrates. A high intensity mercury vapor UV grid lamp generates 254nm ultraviolet radiation which breaks the bonds of organic molecules on the surface. Strong emission at 185nm converts atmospheric oxygen into reactive ozone, which attacks the small molecular fragments and creates volatile organics.
This compact tabletop UV Ozone Cleaner features a drawer-loaded sample stage which can process up to 5.7” (W) x 5.7“ (D) x 1.4” (H) substrates and boosts UV and ozone production using a custom synthetic quartz UV Grid lamp. Operation is as simple as placing your samples in the process chamber, closing the drawer, and setting the desired process time on the digital timer. This system features a drawer safety interlock switch to protect users from UV and ozone exposure during the cleaning process.
The HELIOS-500 model features UV Grid lamp for greater ozone production, more uniform UV radiation and faster cleaning rates.
- Can process up to 5.7” x 5.7“ x 1.4” (WxDxH) substrates
- Maximum sample height of 1.4″ (35 mm)
- Stainless steel pedestal for positioning versatility (1″ or 25.4 mm height)
- UV grid lamp with a 5″x5″ reflector
- Drawer safety interlock
- LED process indicator lights
- Digital process timer (seconds, minutes or hours)
- Lightweight, rugged design: 12 lbs.
- Electrical: 120VAC, 60Hz
- Very low cost of ownership and operation
- Room temperature, atmospheric pressure process
- 1-inch OD stainless steel exhaust port
- Compact footprint: 7.8” x 8.4” x 7” (WxDxH)
- Fast and simple operation
- Cleaning Silicon and Silicon Nitride AFM/SPM Probes
- Ultraviolet Curing of UV-adhesives
- UV photo-patterning of SAM surfaces
- Cleaning Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) chips
- Cleaning Quartz Crystal Micro-balance (QCM) sensors
- Wafer Cleaning
- Surface Cleaning
- Preparation for Thin Film Deposition
- Surface Patterning and Sterilization
- Cleaning Lenses and Optics
- Bonding and oxidizing PDMS
- Cleaning MEMS and Glass Devices
- Surface Oxidation and Preparation
- Improving Surface Hydrophilicity