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Glovebox DF-130E Cost Effective Oxygen Analyzer
- 产品描述:DF-130E Cost Effective Oxygen Analyzer,Glovebox Hermetic Sealing Accessories
A Cost-effective Solution For A Range of Oxygen Analysis Needs
- Every analyzer is factory calibrated and ready to use
- Revolutionary non-depleting E-Sensor requires little or no calibration over time
- No periodic sensor replacement - reliable performance day-after-day
- With STAB-ELT option, no acid scrubbing is required for trace levels
The DF-130E is configured to provide you with a reliable, dependable and accurate oxygen analyzer at a price you can afford. Just take it out of the carton and start operating. Options include - oxygen alarm, sample pump, STAB-ELT acid gas system, CE certification.
DF-130E Specifications
- Ranges are available from 0-10 ppm to 0-25%
Sample Gas Compatibility
- STANDARD SENSOR: All inert and passive gases including N2, CO, H2, Ar, freons, hydrocarbons, etc.
- SENSOR WITH Stab-ElT OPTION: Neutralizes trace contaminants including acids such as CO2, H2S, NOX, SOX, etc. (Consult Delta F for concentration limits.)
- Oxygen Alarm
- Stab-ElT Acid Gas System
- Sample Pump
- Classified Area Enclosures
- CE Certification
Accuracy (at constant temperature)
- Greater of ±3% of reading or 0.5% of range
Response Time
- Responds instantaneously to O2 change. Equilibrium depends on specific conditions. Typically <10 seconds to read 90% of a step change.
Sample Requirements
- Gas phase, non-condensing, 0° to 150° F.
- Flow should be 1.0 to 3.0 scfh at 0.2 to 1.0 psig pressure.Misc.
- 19.7cm W x 21.6cm H x 25.4cm D 7kg. (7.75"W x 8.5"H x 10"D 15 lbs.)
- Operate between 0° and 45° C ambient (32° and 120° F)
- 115 VAC or 220 VAC at 25 Watts
上一个:手套箱過程氧分析儀 EC913